wazuh 4.8でAPIからvulnerbilityエンドポイントが消失した(The vulnerability endpoint has disappeared from the API in Wazuh 4.8.)
I can’t believe it! My colleague @hiboma noticed it. While it makes sense that you can retrieve vulnerabilities with OpenSearch, from a client-side perspective, having multiple endpoints is quite inconvenient.
In our case, we used the vulnerability endpoint in several repositories, so we quickly set up a conversion endpoint using Sinatra.
from japanese
# server.rb
require 'sinatra'
require 'faraday'
require 'oj'
set :server, :puma
# OpenSearchへの検索リクエストを行う関数
def search_vulnerabilities(agent_id, page, per_page)
connection = Faraday.new(
url: 'http://your-opensearch-endpoint:9200',
headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }
from = page * per_page # Pagination offset
body = {
query: {
bool: {
must: [
{ match: { "agent.id": agent_id } }
from: from,
size: per_page
response = connection.post do |req|
req.url '/wazuh-states-vulnerabilities-*/_search'
req.body = Oj.dump(body, mode: :compat)
get '/health' do
status 200
body ''
get '/vulnerability/:agent_id' do
agent_id = params['agent_id']
page = (params['offset'] || 0).to_i
per_page = (params['limit'] || 500).to_i
result = search_vulnerabilities(agent_id, page, per_page)
affected_items = result['hits']['hits'].map do |hit|
cve: hit['_source']['vulnerability']['id'],
architecture: hit['_source']['package']['architecture'],
version: hit['_source']['package']['version'],
name: hit['_source']['package']['name']
response_body = {
data: {
affected_items: affected_items,
total_affected_items: result['hits']['total']['value'],
total_failed_items: 0,
failed_items: []
message: 'All selected vulnerabilities were returned',
error: 0
content_type :json
Oj.dump(response_body, mode: :compat)
For now, I’ve written it quickly since there’s only one endpoint to handle. However, if more endpoints are added in the future, I plan to make it open source and consider other improvements.
from japanese